10 Obstacles To Cultivating Workplace Culture

Cultivating culture requires intentionality. It takes focus. It takes soft skills. Cultivating culture will sharpen your emotional intelligence. It begins with you! In contrast, any one of the following obstacles can get in your way to great team morale!

  1. You lead a team with some dysfunction and want help moving the group to a healthier place?
  2. Your leadership has grown stale or have your results plateaued?
  3. You are new to leading a team and want to develop a strategy to propel your group forward?
  4. You have a problem gaining consensus with your team?
  5. You are having trouble establishing unity within a team comprised of multiple tribes?
  6. You have a team member who wants to steer your team in a direction that is inconsistent with your vision?
  7. You have a prima donna on your team?
  8. You been charged with taking over an underperforming team and want to know where to start
  9. After leading the same group of people for a time, your new ideas fall flat?
  10. You have people on your team whom you need to confront?

Cultivating Workplace Culture

Cultivating workplace culture is more than a series of steps. It is a mindset. A process. A way of doing business. All that said, you can take action immediately. The following 8 principles are organized in a series of posts.

  1. Collaboration over command and control
  2. Align your team around a common vision
  3. Ensure every team member understands their role
  4. Build trust through transparent communication
  5. Be intentionally focused on the task at hand
  6. Have an appropriate sense of urgency
  7. Understand and utilize the capacity of every team member
  8. Ensure accountability at all levels, especially yourself

Team Morale Begins With You

It is the rare subordinate who initiates an improvement in team morale. If they do keep them in mind for the next manager opening. If you’re leading a team it is your responsibility to initiate any change. A high performing team is a thing of beauty. They produce more. They are friends. You are one tribe. The benefits far outweigh any change you must make in your behavior! Start today. Start here.

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