About us

Transforming Your Leadership – Scaling Your Business

Our Founder

Creed is a nomad. He has lived in 12 cities throughout his career including his last move for semi retirement in Florida. He has one son in Florida and 5 grandchildren. He is married to Karen, a professional ice skating coach. Together they continue their nomadic lifestyle as full time RVers travelling the U.S. “We love Florida but have fallen in love with the Western U.S.” They love to hike and explore the beauty of America and have found no better place (yet) to do this. But they’re looking!

Creed led “the most dramatic turnaround in Papa John’s history”  and this is where he discovered and implemented Total Quality Leadership. The techniques he employs were founded more than 20 years ago. To get the full Papa John’s Story check out this link. 

Looking for a more fulfilling life while you grow your business?

That’s where Total Quality Leadership’s coaching comes in.

Later, Creed would lead a nonprofit where their team grew their revenues five-fold in eight years. He has built teams all across the USA and helps in a consulting role with small to medium size businesses.

Retirement is not in the picture for a guy who loves helping other leaders find true contentment and happiness. He says, “No one wants to outlive their usefulness!”

Creed is a coach because everyone wants to lead a more fulfilling life. Creed helps people achieve their dreams, and find purpose and joy. He believes everyone deserves to live their dream and have their dream career. 

Creed’s clients tell him they are happier, more productive and have greater self-awareness. Their business is better, their relationships are stronger and their time is more productive. In short, Creed is a conduit to help people find their passion again!

If your vision for your life is to discover your purpose in life or to grow in that purpose, Total Quality Leadership can help.

Our team includes:

  • For-profit business coaches
  • Nonprofit business coaches
  • Life Coaches
  • Experts in disciplines such as personal development, marketing, finance, operations, and much more
  • Experience in multiple fields
  • Strategic advisors and change management