
Motivating and Educating Your Team

We provide keynote speaking engagements that are designed to be inspirational for retreats as well as workshops designed to develop new levels of leadership and team building.

Making the transition from science to art takes a true understanding of emotional intelligence, authentic, and spiritual leadership. At Total Quality Leadership, we think the latter is more rewarding and certainly more fun. 

Total Quality Leadership is both authentic and spiritual. We think leaders should care for their people. They should provide crystal clear clarity. And finally, challenge their teams appropriately. We can design a workshop for you addressing your needs.


The transition from the science of leadership to the art of leadership doesn’t have to be painful. No transition has to feel like you have to leave the past behind in order to embrace your future. But there are differences between planned transitions and those thrust upon us. Our COVID pandemic should inform us of this reality. Whether COVID or mid-life transition or retirement and every transition in between, we can help you define the underlying pain, develop a plan and encourage you to take action.


Teamwork doesn’t have to be hard. Our team workshops are designed for the leader who wants to build a Strategic Vision Framework, develop a Common Language, and implement a Management Operating System consisting of regular rhythms and routines that create alignment and propel your results to outpace your competitors


Emotional Intelligence used to be a buzz phrase. Then, it turned into a mystery. But now, being smart enough or having the right functional or technical expertise simply don’t define great leadership. Our unique approach of capturing EI skills into our TQL Framework is a game changer. We offer several assessments and workshops designed to create a competitive advantage for your business or department.

We also offer workshops on The Three Irrefutable Principles of Performance, The Coach Approach to Leadership, Delegation, and a variety of keynote speeches designed to address your needs.

“Total Quality Leadership is the art of inspiring the right people to do the right things the right way!”