The Five Most Important Dates in the History of the Church #3

The Importance of Gutenberg

While there were many significant events and people from the first century A.D. until the 15th Century in my opinion the third event that was the most important was the invention of the Printing Press by Johannes Gutenberg in approximately 1455.

Gutenberg was the first to printed a Latin Bible, often referred to as the Gutenberg Bible. The Bible is also his first printed book! The invention of the printing press had profound significance a few years later with the spread of Martin Luther’s teaching on the Reformation. This Innovation in the late Middle Ages is as significant as the invention of the computer was in the last half of the 20th century. (God And His People, Garlow, 128)

The previous method of production was pen and paper, which by any standard is most tedious. Previously, all Bible knowledge was kept in the hands and minds of the religious elite. Jesus taught freedom from religious tradition and hypocrisy. The organized church was filled with the very type of religious leaders Jesus came to rebuke.

The onset of the printing press was significant as the first book Gutenberg printed was the Latin Bible. Luther translated the Bible into the common man’s language. With the aid of the printing press the Word of God was now available to all.

In fact, A & E’s Biography: 100 Most Influential People of the Millennium, marked Gutenberg’s invention #1 above Einstein, Edison and Jefferson and 96 others.

See the list here

About the author: Creed is an accomplished leader and Professional Certified Coach motivated by a passionate drive to help individuals and organizations reclaim their clarity for personal achievement and organizational effectiveness.

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