Ready To Be Honest With Yourself? Seven Spiritual Imperections

Okay, so you are almost 2 months into 2016. How are you doing with those things you resolved to do at the beginning of the year? Are you rising early to get a great start to the day? Achieved that “Couch to 5K” running plan? Lost those 10 pounds? Stopped a bad habit? Started that learning plan? Gone back to school or enrolled into that certification that is going to get you that next promotion? If you are wondering about the list, it’s mine. Some things are working and some not so well.

That is mostly due to my own self-awareness, which I have been developing for decades. Most recently, I achieved the next certification with the International Coach Federation and I earned my certification in the EQ-i 2.0 Emotional Intelligence tool. But all of this is not about me. It is about my desire to help people optimize their effectiveness through better self-awareness.

This posting is the final of a 9 part series on 7 things that ail us. This is a play on the seven deadly sins or what St. John of the Cross called, The Seven Deadly Spiritual Imperfections. The point of all of this was to help you understand that there is help if you are willing to submit to the help, be authentic and vulnerable. Here’s the list once again:

The Seven Deadly Spiritual Imperfections

  1. Pride – to condemn others and become impatient with their faults. They are very selective in who can teach them
  2. Avarice – they never have enough of anything. They seek material gain over their spiritual journey
  3. Fame – taking more pleasure in the accolades of others and less in the service one provides
  4. Wrath – easily irritated, lacking sweetness, have little patience
  5. Gluttony – resist hard work and choose pleasure like little children do
  6. Envy – unhappy when others do well. They are always comparing
  7. Sloth – running from that which is hard. The aim is sweetness and feeling good.

So, are you willing to make some changes to get back on track and perhaps achieve some of those resolutions? Are you ready to optimize your effectiveness?

About the author: Creed is an accomplished leader and Professional Certified Coach motivated by a passionate drive to help individuals and organizations reclaim their clarity for personal achievement and organizational effectiveness.

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